Tuesday 25 October 2011

Creating views for custom tables in Drupal 6

At a minimum, if your module wants to use Views, it needs to implement one hook:

function hook_views_data();

This function returns data that will describe how your module's tables relate to the Drupal node table, as well as what fields can be displayed and sorted, and how your tables may be filtered. This hook can return just one or many tables. This function should be placed in a file named MODULENAME.views.inc in your module's directory. Views will automatically find it and include it when necessary.

If you want to provide default views that your users can immediately use, implement hook_views_default_views(). You can use the views exporter tool to create this hook. This hook should be placed in MODULENAME.views_default.inc.

Implementation steps

1.Implement the hook_views_api() in your module.

function MODULENAME_views_api() {
return array(
'api' => 2,
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'MODULENAME') . '/modules',

2. Create a file named MODULENAME.views.inc and put it in your modules diretory.

3. This .inc file must implement the hook_views_data() and the sample impelemntation is given below.

function custom_views_views_data() {

$data['custom_views']['table']['group'] = t('Custom View');

// Here 'custom_views' will be your table name and this will be treated as base table
$data['custom_views']['table']['base'] = array(
'field' => 'id',
'title' => t('Custom table'),
'help' => t('Stores information about custom table.'),
'weight' => 10,
// Following are the fields of the table 'custom_views'
// Field:custom_id
$data['custom_views']['custom_id'] = array(
'title' => t('ID'),
'help' => t('ID of the custom table.'),

'field' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_field',
'click sortable' => TRUE,
'filter' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_filter_string',
'argument' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_argument_string',
'sort' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_sort',

// Field:custom_title
$data['custom_views']['custom_title'] = array(
'title' => t('Name'),
'help' => t('Name of the field.'),

'field' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_field',
'click sortable' => TRUE,
'filter' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_filter_string',
'sort' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_sort',
'argument' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_argument_string',

return $data;


Now when you create a new view, the custom fields will be included in the view.

For more information on views2 visit on http://drupal.org/node/235062

Drupal 6 Hooks

Alter the data being saved to the {menu_router} table after hook_menu is invoked.This hook is invoked by menu_router_build(). The menu definitions are passed in by reference. Each element of the $callbacks array is one item returned by a module from hook_menu. Additional items may be added, or existing items

hook_mail($key, &$message, $params)
Prepare a message based on parameters. @see drupal_mail for more.

Log an event message. This hook allows modules to route log events to custom destinations, such as SMS, Email, pager, syslog, ...etc.

hook_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path)

Register a module (or theme's) theme implementations.

Modules and themes implementing this return an array of arrays. The key to each sub-array is the internal name of the hook, and the array contains info about the hook.


Alter the theme registry information returned from hook_theme().

The theme registry stores information about all available theme hooks, including which callback functions those hooks will call when triggered, what template files are exposed by these hooks, and so on.

Note that this hook is only executed as the theme cache is re-built. Changes here will not be visible until the next cache clear.


Perform setup tasks. See also, hook_init.

This hook is run at the beginning of the page request. It is typically used to set up global parameters which are needed later in the request.

Only use this hook if your code must run even for cached page views.This hook is called before modules or most include files are loaded into memory. It happens while Drupal is still in bootstrap mode.

hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(&$form, &$form_state)

Provide a form-specific alteration instead of the global hook_form_alter().

Modules can implement hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() to modify a specific form, rather than implementing hook_form_alter() and checking the form ID, or using long switch statements to alter multiple forms.

Note that this hook fires before hook_form_alter(). Therefore all implementations of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() will run before all implementations of hook_form_alter(), regardless of the module order.


Allows modules to provide an alternative path for the terms it manages.

For vocabularies not maintained by taxonomy.module, give the maintaining module a chance to provide a path for terms in that vocabulary.

"Not maintained by taxonomy.module" is misleading. It means that the vocabulary table contains a module name in the 'module' column. Any module may update this column and will then be called to provide an alternative path for the terms it recognizes (manages).

This hook should be used rather than hard-coding a "taxonomy/term/xxx" path. 

hook_locale($op = 'groups')

Allows modules to define their own text groups that can be translated.


Define the current version of the database schema.

A Drupal schema definition is an array structure representing one or more tables and their related keys and indexes. A schema is defined by hook_schema() which must live in your module's .install file.

By implementing hook_schema() and specifying the tables your module declares, you can easily create and drop these tables on all supported database engines. You don't have to deal with the different SQL dialects for table creation and alteration of the supported database engines.

hook_system_info_alter(&$info, $file)

Alter the information parsed from module and theme .info files

This hook is invoked in module_rebuild_cache() and in system_theme_data(). A module may implement this hook in order to add to or alter the data generated by reading the .info file with drupal_parse_info_file().